You’ve heard it a million times: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

I imagine many of us are thinking that these days, what with the unrelenting onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic and what it’s done to so many of our plans, tomorrow’s Thanksgiving celebration chief among them.

Life can be bitter, that’s for sure. But there’s sweetness to be found in even the most bitter circumstances; you just have to look for it:

Are you bitter because you’re being denied the opportunity of being with family and friends tomorrow? At least you’ve got family and friends!

Are you bitter because you can’t go on that extravagant vacation you were planning? Think of the money you’re saving!

Are you bitter because you’re stuck at home and can’t go out? Think of how great it is that there’s online shopping!

Are you bitter because your synagogue is closed to in-person worship? Thank God for the blessing of technology that makes virtual services possible!

Are you bitter because you can’t go out to your favorite restaurant? There’s always take-out and home delivery!

Yes, it can be difficult to find the sweetness that can turn the bitter lemon into tasty lemonade. But you - and I - all of us can find the sweet.

As Noami Shemer wrote in her iconic song “Al Kol Eileh,” (and I’m paraphrasing here,) there’s the sting of the bee, but there’s also the honey; there is bitterness but also sweetness in life.”

I guess you really can’t have one without the other.

And now for a little levity:

“When life gives you lemons, learn to juggle.”

“When life gives you lemonade, don’t try to make lemons.”

“When life gives you a lemon, take it. Don’t waste food.” 

“When life gives you lemons, you tell life to get a life because lemons are a terrible gift.” 

“When life gives you lemons, say, ‘Cool, what else you got?’” 

“When life gives you lemons, make champagne, and leave the whole world wondering how you did it!” 

And with my apologies to you, this one from me:

“When life hands you an etrog, make etrog marmalade!”

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, whatever form it takes. Enjoy the turkey, the stuffing, the yams, the cornbread, the cranberry sauce, the pumpkin pie and the hot apple cider…and don’t forget the lemonade!